Mar 4, 2019
Today I’m chatting with Nichole Guerrette, college professor, accountant and mother of two. Nicole is the owner of Stafford Consulting, an accounting services firm, as well as an energy and fitness company, N-er-G Fitness. Today we’re talking about how Nicole maintains balance between her life and running these two businesses. Nichole and I also discuss how mindset plays into the journey to entrepreneurship, and how we need to approach establishing the right mindset as we start a business, and throughout the years of building and growing that business. If you are just starting your journey as an entrepreneur, or if you struggle with your mindset in your business, I encourage you to tune in to my conversation with Nichole.
About Nichole’s experience in the corporate world, and how she finally made the switch to starting her own business.
About the risks she took in the very beginning to get her business going.
The freedom she achieved through entrepreneurship to balance career and motherhood.
Why Nichole started her second business, and how she approaches each of them.
How having the right mindset will set you up for long term success.
Quick tips for switching between work mode and parenting mode.
Nichole’s strategies for developing the right mindset around your business and life.
It’s your story, you can write it however you want. When you shift your mindset from the world being stacked against you because of your circumstances, to an idea that you are not limited by your past, you can own your story, and allow it to free you to understand that you can do whatever you want to do. If you are allowing your story to shape you, you will never go after what you want. But when you write your own story, you can do anything.
Books by John Maxwell & Jen Sinclair