Feb 24, 2020
In this episode we talk about how to deal with industry copycats. Sometimes there is no way to prevent the initial theft, but here is what you do when someone does steal your stuff…
Be happy that you have something worth copying!
Take screenshots of the copying and document all websites featuring the copied material.
Send an email or private message to the infringer asking them to stop using your copyrighted material.
Do DMCA takedown to the hosting site (I go into detail about what this is in the episode!)
Send a demand/cease and desist letter (preferably from an attorney) to ask the copycat to stop the infringement.
File a lawsuit (you must have a registered copyright to file a lawsuit so if you haven’t filed yet…do so now!)
WEBSITE: www.influencerlegal.co
INSTAGRAM: @attorneyalli
LAW SHOP for legal templates and resources.